Not to perish on the last day33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C everything that does not have the presence of Christ and that which is not united with Christ will ultim
Seed destined to blossom in God's gardenBelief in the resurrection is essential so that our every act of Christian love not to be ephemeral and an end in itself but may become a se
Three qualities in prayerPrayer is important for Christian disciples because we all desire to be justified by God and to experience the Lord’s mercy. Prayer is an ef
"Never trust a man who has no enemies”this battle is symbolic of the fight of the Church. If it is a symbol of the Church, it is also a symbol of the family. Because the family i
Spiritual truth revealed by leprosy and covidThe readings for this Sunday are very rich, with so many spiritual secrets. The keyword to interpret the readings is “leprosy”. In the Gospe
The mission of the 72The main theme of the Gospel for today is the sending of the 72 disciples and their mission. The number 72 is very significant because he...
Four obstacles in following Jesus13th Sunday in Ordinary time Year c Sunday Homily Four main obstacles in the discipleship
The immeasurable Value of the perfect sacrificein Holy Mass, we have the noblest burnt-offering, the sublimest sacrifice of praise and of thanksgiving. It is the believer’s greatest treas
Two dimensions of PentecostNow the fire that descends on the apostles reveals that they are the new sacrifices, the new leavened loaves. They’re to be offered up throu
The Ascension of Jesus into HeavenHow can a sacrifice that Jesus made 2000 years ago can be a sacrifice made for me and Do we kill Jesus every Mass?
Kingdom of PeaceWhat touched me most is that though Peter appears as a hero in this narrative, putting an end to debate with his stirring exhortation, we mu
The new commandmentThe central theme of the Gospel is the new commandment given by Jesus. Is it really a new commandment? To love one another is not a new...